I am an experienced teacher / lecturer in the sonic arts at both Bachelor and Master level, as well as to other interested people in non-academic contexts. I also routinely teach workshops, on a variety of topics 🥀 Feel free to get in touch if you would like me to teach you, a group of your friends, or present at your institution.
Selected Teaching
Sonic Romanticism, seminar, Sound Art Lab (DK)
Re-writing Sound and Re-reading Silence in Sonic Arts Practice, seminar, The Center for Experimental Practices, University of Huddersfield (UK) and Uni Arts Helsinki (FI)
ASMR Studies, workshop, Vesyv Studio (DK)
Voice, Gender, Material, workshop, Fabrikken for Kunst og Design (DK)
2020 - 2022:
Ambisonic Sound, course, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Spatial Sound, course, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Sonic Composition, course, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
ASMR Studies, workshop, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
100% Dialogue, workshop, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
What You Hear Here Stays Here, course, reading and listening group, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Analog Synthesis, workshop, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Environmental Listening, workshop, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Twenty Things You Can Do With Sound, podcast, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Audio Mixing & Mastering, workshop, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)